Adulting 101- How to get Your S**t Together

I'm not 100% sure of as to when my parents stopped doing things for me. One day my mother was doing laundry, the next I was doing it. There was no formal discussion of the matter, it just kind of well, happened. In a way, I sort of appreciate my parents methodology (if I can even call it that). If it was an actual thought out thing they did a good job and probably realized that based off my personality as I got older I would grow tired of waiting for them to do things for me like laundry or cooking and would simply just do it myself because I would want it done when I wanted it done.


Learn How to Manage Your Money

And I mean really manage it. Create a budget. Open a savings account. Do whatever you have to do to make sure your needs are met with the amount of money you're bringing in a pay period. I fall victim to telling myself "Oh I'll get paid again" in order to justify random impulse purchases.

Get Organized

Let's face it, life gets pretty crazy. In the words of Ferris Bueller, "If you don't stop to look around everyone in awhile you could miss it." Often times, especially in college we get so caught up in making a living, maintaining an acceptable GPA, and having a social life. Me especially I get so focused on work, I slack on school. I get so focused on school, and forget that I have friends or cut my hours and end up strapped for cash. The best thing I could have done for myself was get a planner that I actually love and can work with and actually use it. This way I see everything I have to do, I can pick the best days I can actually get things done, within reason of course and that way I can manage my life the best I can (and get some sleep!).

Create a Morning Routine

The way your morning starts off is what sets the tone for the rest of your day. You know personally what makes you feel the most productive and like your best you so put those things into your routine. Maybe it's waking up i the morning, having coffee and watching Spongebob (guilty!). Maybe it's getting up and working out. Whatever it is do it. A good morning is the base of  a good day and a good day for me is a productive day. I have a morning routine up on the blog now from last semester but I see myself putting up an updated one soon!

Technology Clean Up

As we get older some things we did at 16 are not necessarily things we should be participating in at 22. I say this because we grew up in the social media age and a lot of things we did as teenagers are still well documented on Facebook and Instagram. Now personally what I do is save some of the less cringe-worthy pictures and videos to my laptop and just remove them from social media to make a less cluttered, more professional space.

Stay Informed 

At this stage of the game, no matter how much we hate to admit it, we are actual adults. As adults we are responsible for making decisions that impact not only us but some decisions that we make impact others around us and future generations to come. If we're not informed, then how do we make our decisions? If watching the news isn't your thing, cut on news alerts in the news app on your iPhone. That way you stay informed and don't even really realize it.


What do you do when you realize you need to get your life? I'd love to hear in the comments. Until next time!

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